In 1972 on the day that United Nations Conference on the Human Environment started. The principal World Environment Day was praised in 1973. From that point forward it is facilitated each year by an alternate city with an alternate topic. World Environment Day has formed to transform into an overall stage for open exertion, with enthusiasm from over 100 countries consistently. Consistently, WED has given another subj...
Air Pollution, the invisible killer
Air pollution has become the biggest environmental cause of premature death, overtaking poor sanitation and a lack of clean drinking water. According to the WHO, more than 3.5 million people are being killed each year by the air that they breathe in urban areas, and the number is rising. Air pollution now kills twice as many people as HIV/AIDS....
Effects of Cutting Trees
STOP : Seven Tree & Oxygen Plantation- It is a Corporate Social Responsibility Activity of Seven Group of Companies. STOP is a NGO...